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Avocado on the barbecue: a very good recipe sea and mountains.

18/03/2021 15:26


Recipes , Recipes with Avocado , Avocado , Polpa di granchio, Salsiccia, Ricetta,

Avocado in Barbecue by AvocadoBio

Avocado on the grill. Summer is approaching. Sharpen your weapons and. . . . . . teeth

   Serves x 4 people

  • Avocado                        6 little
  • Spicy sausages             2
  • Crabmeat                      1 box (170 g)
  • Chopped parsley          q.b.
  • Olive oil                          q.b.
  • Salt and pepper            q.b.

The Barbecue or, in a much more Italian way, the outdoor grill, is a very trendy cooking method among men who have adopted it to cook without hearing their wives yelling about the disorder, the splashes of oil and the smell left in the kitchen. In fact, I don't know about you,
but I have never seen a woman fumble near the coals, but obviously I belong to the male gender and therefore I am biased. Before antagonizing all the readers of the Blog, I will pass on to show you this very simple but very good recipe that has as protagonist our Avocado, naturally organic and strictly "Made in AvocadoBio".
For a dinner of 4 people, you will need 6 avocados, let's say small pieces, only if you are on a diet, 2 spicy sausages, a pack of 150-170 g crabmeat, a little olive oil, a handful of chopped parsley very finely, a little salt and a little pepper.

Grilled avocado and crab meat

Let's start, first of all, by cutting in half, peel and pit the avocados; sprinkle them with a little olive oil;

we take our spicy sausages, remove the casing by shelling them in a non-stick pan just wet with a drizzle of oil; while the sausage is cooking we put the avocados on the incandescent grill and leave them there for a few minutes until we see the beautiful streaks of the grill so praised by the chefs, and then we proceed to salt and pepper. It would be a good idea to place the can of crabmeat near it in order to give it time to cool down.

The sausages, meanwhile, sizzle in the pan and if the oil they expel is a reddish color, they are ready. cutting board and finely chopping

the parsley, being very careful with the use of the knife. We just have to serve.

Put the avocados in plain sight with their black streaks, fill them with a dose of crab meat, pour our sausage on the plate in a

very natural way together, obligatorily, with the cooking oil, and finish the dish with a handful of parsley.

Writing the article I was already hungry and my watering I don't know if it will allow me to arrive this summer to taste the dish. I'm a guy who leaves the kitchen perfectly clean. . . . . . then I run to cook: I'll try it using the cast iron grill, so nobody sees me!

I forgot. . . good appetite and good Avocado at all !